PDC Composite Bit 4500
  • PDC Composite Bit 4500
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PDC Composite Bit 4500


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Item NO.: V021359 MOQ: 0
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PDC composite bit for industrial classification
1. Composite drill bit for geological exploration
The composite drill bit, which is mainly used for geological exploration and exploration, is suitable for soft to medium hard rock formations. Now some new composite sheets developed by some manufacturers can be applied to rock formations with ten hardness.
2. Coal field drilling using composite drill bit
It is mainly used for coal seam drilling and mining in coal mines. Generally speaking, the rock formation of the coalfield is relatively soft, and the composite drill bit is widely used, such as a bolt drill bit and a three-wing drill bit.
3. Composite sheet drill for petroleum exploration
Mainly used in oil and gas fields, drills are used. At present, the composite sheet drill bit for oilfields is required for the cost of all composite sheet drill bits. It can be said that it is a nobleman in the composite drill bit.

PDC composite bit operation rules:
1. The formation of the PDC composite drill bit is a 4-10 formation (according to the 12-level standard)
2, PDC composite sheet bit working principle is scraping, (cutting).
3, the soft bottom layer composite sheet bit design has high verticality, and the hard bottom layer has low verticality.
4, the drilling pressure is generally 800-1000 kg pressure, the drilling speed 89 drill bit 150--200 rpm, the drill bit is the lower the drilling speed is lower
5. For siltstone (fine sandstone), steel bit is the main one, the number of pieces is small, the 98/89 bit is 4 wings, the 113/108 bit is 5 or 6 wings, the drilling speed is fast and the efficiency is high.
6. For coarse sandstone (sand conglomerate), hot-pressed drill bit is the main one, and the number of pieces is better. The 98/89 drill bit has 8 wings, and the 113/108 drill bit has 10 wings. Long life and good diameter protection. There is no need to re-reap the hole.
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